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Fingerprint Clearance Card Procedure
You do not need to be present in Arizona for fingerprinting and you don't need your fingerprint clearance card to take the test, you only need a fingerprint clearance card to apply for a license. need to submit your prints and application right away, because it could take up to eight weeks for the background check.
You may have your fingerprints taken at any Fieldprint location across the country or at a local police station. If the background check goes well, the fingerprint clearance card usually arrives in your mailbox within a few weeks after you have your prints taken.
NOTE: If your background does not go as expected, and past incidents are flagged, you will receive a package from the Arizona DPS with further instructions.
Step 1: Apply for your Background Check
1. Go to:
3. Click the APPLY FOR A CARD/ REQUEST A REPLACEMENT and follow the prompts to create an Individual Personal account.
4. After you have created an account, log in to the Arizona DPS website and follow the prompts to apply for your fingerprint clearance card. You are applying for a NON-IVP clearance card. When you get to the "Reasons for Applying" page, scroll to AZ Department of Real Estate Licensure (almost to the bottom of the screen), and check the box.
NOTE: When you are asked for your employer's information, you can leave those fields blank. They are not required fields.
5. Follow the prompts on the website to complete the application process, sign the application and submit it.
6. Upon submission of the signed application, you are presented with some preliminary disclosures and notices, and a form to fill out your payment information.
7. Upon your authorization of the payment, download the receipt and save it. You will also be emailed a receipt. Save the receipt as a PDF. You will need the 10-digit reference number when you have your fingerprints taken.
8. After saving your receipt, click CONTINUE, and the system will route you back to the Arizona DPS home page.
NOTE: At the bottom of the receipt, you will see the following statement:
"Arizona Department of Public Safety: This is a transaction for AZDPS for [10-digit REFERENCE NUMBER]. This is the same reference number that is on your receipt for payment.
9. Once again, log in to the Arizona DPS website. When you are logged in, go to the MESSAGES tab in your portal. There will be a new message for you titled "ACTION NEEDED: Application pending fingerprints." The message will contain the same 10-digit reference number that is on your receipt, and it will have instructions for you to get your fingerprints taken.
Step 2: Find a Printing Vendor and Make an Appt
Go to and click the "Schedule Appointment" button in the upper right corner. You will be routed to a sign-up page where you will create an account. After you have created your account, and you are logged in, you can continue scheduling your fingerprinting session.
IMPORTANT: The Fieldprint site will request the 10-digit reference number at the bottom of the receipt you received when you paid for your background check. It is super important that you enter this reference number correctly.
Step 3: Get your Prints Taken and Submit them
When you go to the site to have your fingerprints taken, remember to bring either your printed receipt or digital receipt for the background check.
If you are having your fingerprints taken electronically at a Fieldprint location, the fingerprinting technician will submit your fingerprints to the Arizona DPS for you. Make sure that the fingerprinting technician includes the reference number from your receipt with your fingerprint submission.
If your fingerprinting technician only allows paper fingerprinting service, make sure the technician provides TWO copies of fingerprints. You will need to keep one copy and mail the other copy. Also, you will need a special envelope, because you cannot fold the fingerprint card. Include the reference number on a post-it note or other note attached with a paperclip (not stapled) to the fingerprints card. Do not stick the post-it note to any portion of the card that contains writing or fingerprints. Mail the card to:
Applicant Clearance Card Team
P.O. Box 18390
Phoenix, AZ 85005
When AZDPS receives your fingerprints (either through the mail or digitally through the Fieldprint vendor), they will match them with your completed background check application, and perform the background check. You should receive a response from Arizona DPS within a few weeks.
Step 4: Check the Status of your Clearance Card
You can check the status of your clearance card by logging into your dashboard at the AZDPS website here: Upon completion of the two-step authorization process you will be in your portal dashboard. Scroll to the bottom, and in the section titled My Fingerprint Clearance Card Applications and Requests, the status of your application is displayed.
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