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The Salesperson
Licensing Process:
Step 1: Download and Read the Candidate Handbook
The Candidate handbook will answer most questions you have about the education process, testing process, fingerprinting process, and licensing process. It can be downloaded from here.
Step 2: Obtain a Fingerprint Card
For further information about the fingerprinting process, see this page.
Step 3: Complete the 90-Hour Prelicensing Package
The 90-Hour Prelicensing course consists of 45 two-hour units and an in-person school final exam.
Step 4: Complete the 6-Hour "Introduction to Contract Writing" Course
Regulations require you take a 6-hour Arizona Introduction to Contract Writing course as a prerequisite to licensure. If you registered for a 90-Hour Sales Prelicensing Package, the Introduction to Contract Writing course is accessible from your MY CLASSROOM page.
Step 5: Pass the In-person School Final Exam
When you have completed all 45 units in this course, you will be qualified to sit for the in-person school final exam. Periodically, you will see reminders in the 90-Hour Sales Prelicensing course to get your exam scheduled. When you arrive at your provider's school for the exam, you will be given instructions about how to take the in-person final exam.
Step 6: Pass the State-Administered Licensing Exam
After you pass the in-person school final exam with a 75% or better, you will be qualified to register for the state-administered licensing exam. Regulations do not allow you to pre-register for the state-administered licensing exam. You must wait until you pass the in-person school final exam and receive a certificate. Exam centers are located in the Phoenix area, Flagstaff, Yuma, and Tucson. Your state exam is ONE COMPREHENSIVE TEST that is randomly delivered questions about both state-specific content and general concepts. The questions are delivered one at a time. The exam content and number of questions per topic is included in the Arizona Real Estate Candidate Handbook.
Step 7: Prepare your Application Package
Fill out the application for licensure you received with your passing score report from the testing center. This might be on the back of the passing score report.
Photograph your filled out application and create a PDF of it.
Photograph your Passing Score report and create a PDF of it.
Fill out and sign the ADRE form LI-214, downloadable here. The LI-214/244 form is the disciplinary actions disclosure form, on which the candidate must disclose past convictions or criminal history. Photograph the document and create a PDF of it.
If it is necessary for you to present further disclosure documentation, because you need to provide an explanation for a "Yes" answer in the LI-214, make sure to create PDFs of all disclosure documents. Download the Disclosure Checklist here.
Create a PDF of your prelicensing certificate.
Create a PDF of your Contract Writing Certificate.
Photograph both sides of your driver's license (does not need to be an Arizona driver's license). This is your proof of legal presence in the U.S. Create a PDF of the two sides of your driver's license.
Photograph both sides of your Fingerprint Clearance Card and create a PDF.
Step 7: Upload your Application Package the ADRE
You should have received an email message from the ADRE with your candidate number on it. You will need to create an account through the ADRE website here. When you get to the Login page, create your account by clicking the "Login for the first time Click Here" link and entering your candidate number, social security number, and date of birth. Click "Login", when you have completed the fields.
Once you login, you should see columns of BLUE LINKS in ridiculously small print. Find the "Message Center" link in the left colum and select it. This will display a message center entry screen.
Click "Send Message" from the menu on the left.
In the Subject line, select "Licensing Sales Applications", and click Submit.
In the Message field, enter:
"Please find attached the licensing documents for [Your Name] [Candidate Number].
Select each of your PDF files and upload them:
​Passing score report
Application for licensure
ADRE form LI244 filled out and signed
Prelicensing education certificate
Contract writing course certificate
Both sides of your driver's license
Both sides of your fingerprint card
Step 8: Await your License Approval and Hire your Broker
After the ADRE receives and reviews your uploaded documents, and your application packaged is deemed complete, they will email you to let you know. In that same email message, they will provide instructions for you to pay the licensing fee.
After the payment is confirmed, the license application is automatically approved on an inactive status. At that point, you will sign in to the ADRE website and follow the instructions on your personal ADRE home page to hire your employing brokerage. Finally, the designated broker of the firm you hire will need to sign into the ADRE website and accept you into the brokerage. When the designated broker accepts you, you are ready to go to work!